

The purchase, use 和 disposal of controlled substances in New York are strictly regulated by the New York Department of Health (DOH) 和 the United States Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (US DEA) 和 these regulations are intended to prevent 转移管制物质. 环境健康与安全(EHS)持有 responsibility to ensure that researchers 和 teaching faculty planning work with controlled substances are aware of 和 underst和 their responsibility for complying with the relevant state 和 federal statutes 和 regulations governing the use of these substances whether for research veterinary care 和 laboratory teaching applications. This Guide contains language 和 adaptation from the US Department of Justice DEA 管制物质使用手册,包括:

1. 什么是受管制物质
2. 使用授权
3. 购买受管制物质
4. 接收受管制物质
5. 管制物质的储存及管制
6. 处置受管制物质

1. 什么是受管制物质

Researchers 和 teaching faculty authorized to possess 和 administer Controlled Substances (CS) may do so under the College’s valid DEA 和 NYSDOH 许可证 和 only with prior approval of EHS; authorized personnel must comply with all applicable regulatory requirements 与药品安全、控制、处置和记录保存有关.

The DEA 和 New York State Health Department Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement (BNE) categorize CS materials into 'schedule' categories based on the likelihood of diversion, 主要是由于滥用和成瘾盛行. 材料分为五个时间表, 从最高控制到最低控制;

安排我 未经认可的医疗用途,极有可能被滥用

安排二世 极有可能被虐待,严重的心理或身体依赖

安排第三 滥用的可能性低于附表一 & II

安排四世 与附表三相比,滥用的可能性较低

安排V Consist primarily of mixtures containing limited quantities of other scheduled material
(e.g.可待因制剂- 200mg / 100ml硫酸阿托品)

火博体育大学 CS use in research, teaching 和 animal care is administered under 一个单一的校园许可证. EHS负责维护学院的CS 许可证. 许可证每两年更新一次.

2. 使用受控物质的授权

Proposed use of CS materials on laboratory animals is reviewed 和 approved separately by the College’s Institutional Animal Care 和 Use Committee (IACUC) through the animal 使用协议应用流程.

Once approved, researchers 和 authorized faculty may request authorization to use CS materials by submitting the completed, approved Institutional Animal Care 和 Use 委员会(IACUC) EHS协议.

Faculty planning to work with CS on a non-animal protocol should consult with EHS to gain full underst和ing of regulations 和 expectations prior to planning research 或者教学课程.

3. 购买受管制物质

Approved faculty wanting to order CS must contact EHS with the below information. ONLY EHS staff whose names are on the NYS 许可证 are permitted to order CS.

• All requests must include approved IACUC protocol number, when appropriate

EHS将 place the order using Dean of Faculty account number 和 reimbursements will 由院长办公室管理


Deliveries are made only to the address indicated on the College’s DEA/NYSDOH 许可证s:




• Once ordered, controlled substances are tracked through delivery 和EHS将 notify 询问教职员工和校园邮局的投递情况
•条形码识别码. 分配到每个小瓶
• Controlled Substance Use Log Book is amended to track use of CS from initial use 集装箱完工
• EHS delivers CS to the vivarium safe 和 notifies faculty of arrival


EHS将 conduct a biennial physical inventory reconciliation in June of even numbered 年. DEA regulation states, “After the initial inventory is taken, the registrant shall take a new inventory of all stocks of controlled substances on h和 at least 每两年一次. 两年期清查可在年内的任何日期进行 前两年盘存日的两年.”

4. 管制物质的储存及管制

Controlled substances are stored in either the double-locking boxes mounted on a wall 或者用螺栓固定在BTCIS动物陈列室地板上的MESA保险箱.


Once CS arrives on campus, 和 the appropriate bar code is affixed to the CS container, CS将被存储在两个安全保险柜中的一个. 教师应联系EHS 至少在需要使用前24小时取出CS. CS必须返回仓库 24小时内安全. 任何偏离本规范的行为必须首先得到EHS的批准.

A separate Controlled Substance Use Log Book is maintained for each storage unit (C I-II和C - III-V)和每个容器/小瓶的受控物质. 控制 物质使用日志包括以下信息:

• CS type, strength/concentration, quantity used (ml, mg), 和 remaining stock quantity

Faculty must confirm starting volume/mass 和 each subsequent use, calculating balance 跟踪剩余的数量.

Each entry, or record of use, must be initialed by the individual intending the withdrawal 和EHS.

Dilutions mixed from the original stock container must be tracked on a separate Usage 日志,提供给EHS并记录在日志中.

当容器为空时,使用日志必须显示0.或者体积小于 (全部剂量)剩余的.


EHS将通知已过期/即将过期的CS的授权教员. 过期的CS,无论如何 of Schedule, will be placed in a zip-top plastic bag labeled “Expired – Do Not Use” 和日期. Zip-lock bag will be stored in the vivarium floor safe in the basket labeled “过期CS”. EHS将在处理后将药品从电子库存中删除. 教师将决定是否重新订购CS.

5. 销毁和处置-受管制物质

EHS schedules CS destructions periodically, as needed, throughout the year. EHS将 coordinate 和 arranges the disposal 和 destruction of DEA material via outside vendor.


用过的针头/注射器通过受管制的医疗废物进行处置. 针头和注射器 必须丢弃在经批准的医疗废物利器容器中. 装满时,尖锐的容器 必须放置在规定的医疗废物箱中进行最终处理. 一个biohazardous 废物处理申请必须由教员提交.

6. DEA清单I和清单II化学品

In 1988, Congress passed the Chemical Diversion 和 Trafficking Act (CDTA) 和 subsequent 修正案将41种化学品置于控制之下. 这些法律提供了一套规章制度 controls 和 criminal sanctions to address both domestic 和 international diversion of important chemicals without interrupting access to chemicals destined for legitimate 商务. The CDTA created two categories for the controlled chemicals, 我列表 和 列表2. If faculty or staff plan to purchase a 我列表 or II chemical from a vendor 在美国以外.S.,该化学品必须在缉毒局转移处注册. 请 详情请咨询EHS.

点击 我列表列表2 查看缉毒局管制下的特定化学品.


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