Environmental Studies and Sciences


Director and 副教授 Environmental Studies and Sciences Program

At Skidmore since 2015


办公室:独联体210 j
电话:x. 5218 (off campus: 518-580-5218)
电子邮件: ksmemo@verastore.net


  • B.S. 1994, University of Montana
  • M.S. 1998, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Ph.D. 2003, Cornell University
  • Postdoctoral Fellow 2003–2005, University of Michigan 


  • ES 105 Field Studies in Environmental Science
  • ES 205 Ecosystem Science and Analysis of Forested Landscapes
  • ES 308 Soil and Watershed Science for a Crowded Planet
  • ES 374/375 Senior Capstone Experience in Environmental Studies and Sciences 


The Skidmore Ecosystem Biogeochemistry Laboratory studies terrestrial ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry with a focus on forest and wetland ecosystems in relation to global 环境变化. We are particularly interested in how below-ground microbial processes mediate productivity and carbon and nutrient cycling patterns at the local 在全球范围内. Students in the lab learn techniques for measuring biogeochemical process rates and quantifying ecosystem properties across varying spatial and temporal 尺度. Some specific research areas in which students are involved are:

  • Forest carbon and nutrient cycling in response to atmospheric deposition
  • Terrestrial controls on nutrient transport to surface waters and aquatic ecosystems
  • Microbial controls on the production and emission of greenhouse gases from soils and 沉积物
  • Plant traits and soil microbial community composition as drivers of community assembly, ecosystem nutrient cycling, and soil organic matter dynamics.


Smemo K.A., S.M. 彼得森,L.A. Kluber,.N. 肖,我.L. 砍伐森林. 2021. 时间 soil enzyme patterns provide new insights into the nutrient economy of acidic hardwood 森林. Biogeochemistry 155:97–112.

砍伐森林,J. L., R. Dorkoski Z.B. 弗里德曼,K.A. Smemo. 2021. Multi-year soil microbial and extracellular phosphorus enzyme response to lime and phosphate addition in temperate 硬木森林. Plant and Soil 464:391–404.

洛夫乔伊,C. 和K.A. Smemo. 2021. Strigolactone significantly increases lead uptake by dwarf sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Bioremediation Journal 25(3):191-196.

Schneller,.J, K.A. Smemo C. 霍布斯,C. 麦凯,E. 摩根, & C. Munisteri. 2020. Crude Oil Transportation by Rail in Saratoga County, NY: Public Perceptions of Technological Risk, State Responses, and Policy. 风险,风险 & Crisis in Public Policy 11(4):377-410.

Martinez-Cruz K., A. Sepulveda-Jauregui P. 卡斯珀K. 沃尔特·安东尼,K. Smemo, F. Thalasso. 2018. Ubiquitous and significant anaerobic oxidation of methane in freshwater 湖泊沉积物. Water Research 144: 332-340.

Yavitt J., J. Burtis K. Smemo, M. Welsch. 2018. Plot-scale spatial variability of methane, respiration, and net nitrogen mineralization in muck-soil wetlands across 土地利用梯度. Geoderma 315:11-19.  

阿,Valverde-Barrantes.J., K.A. Smemo L. Feinstein, M. 创作.,和C.B. 红木. 2018. Patterns in spatial distribution and root trait syndromes for ecto and arbuscular mycorrhizal temperate trees in a mixed broadleaf forest. 环境科学186:731 - 741.

阿,Valverde-Barrantes.J., A. 装角,K.A. 选项C.B. 红木. 2016.  过去的 structured traits in root systems influence arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in 木本被子植物. Plant and Soil 404:1–12.

卡尔ino-Kyker,年代.R., L.A. Kluber,年代.P. 彼得森K.P. Coyle C. hewin J.L. 砍伐森林, ,和K.A. D.J. 伯克. 2016.  Mycorrhizal fungal communities respond to experimental elevation of soil pH and P availability in temperate 硬木森林. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92(3):fiw024.


  • American Geophysical Union
  • Ecological Society of America
  • Soil Science Society of America
  • Council on Undergraduate Research