
会的 & 书院活动委员会


职能:制定年度会议和公共活动的日历,以促进 and support the cultural and intellectual energies of the Skidmore community; to review proposed events for possible designation as all-College convocations; to determine the most appropriate means for promoting the annual convocation series; and to oversee 大学活动日程表.

Membership: Two faculty members, one of whom sits on the All-College Council; four 学生,包括学生演讲局主席,副主席 住宿事务,高年级主席和传统委员会主席; one representative from Development/校友 Affairs; and the Associate Dean of Students 主席事务.

2005 tba -教职工ACC代表
2005 tba -发言人局主席
  tba -传统委员会主席
  TBA-SGA V.P. 住宅事务
  tba -毕业班主席
  TBA-College事件 & 管理
  Anita Steigerwald,学生事务副院长,主席
  Barbara Schallehn,领导活动代表(无投票权)成员   


职能:制定年度会议和公共活动的日历,以促进 and support the cultural and intellectual energies of the Skidmore community; to review proposed events for possible designation as all-College convocations; to determine the most appropriate means for promoting the annual convocation series; and to oversee 大学活动日程表.

Membership: Two faculty members, one of whom sits on the All-College Council; four 学生,包括学生演讲局主席,副主席 住宿事务,高年级主席和传统委员会主席; one representative from Development/校友 Affairs; and the Associate Dean of Students 主席事务.

2004 tba -教职工ACC代表
2004 贾里德·戈特利布,04届,演讲局主席
  Bobby Koeth '04,传统委员会主席
  贝琪·谢里丹,2005年,SGA V.P. 住宅事务
  Elise Morgenstern,大学活动 & 管理
  Anita Steigerwald,学生事务副院长,主席
  Barbara Schallehn,领导活动代表(无投票权)成员      


职能:制定年度会议和公共活动的日历,以促进 and support the cultural and intellectual energies of the Skidmore community; to review proposed events for possible designation as all-College convocations; to determine the most appropriate means for promoting the annual convocation series; and to oversee 大学活动日程表.

Membership: Two faculty members, one of whom sits on the All-College Council; two 学生,包括学生演讲局主席和副主席 Residential Affairs; one representative from Development/校友 Affairs; and the Associate 负责领导活动的学生事务主任担任主席.

2003 tba -教职工ACC代表
2003 TBA-学生演讲局主席
  tba -传统委员会主席
  Scott Minkoff, SGA V.P. 住宿生活
  Janis Petroski, College 事件 & 管理
  Anita Steigerwald,学生事务副主任                                    
  日历办公室代表 ?(无投票权)成员